What is Good Fat Care?

Three passionate body peace activists created Good Fat Care after listening to our friends and clients express frustration and despair in finding body accepting practitioners, or providers who practice from a Health At Every Size® philosophy.   We know there are other body peace, size-accepting practitioners out there. Our goal is to bring these practitioners together and connect them with the clients who need them most.

This site is not for profit and was developed as a labour of love on our own time and outside of the work we each do in community healthcare.  Practitioners and wellness facilitators who are listed here must take the Good Fat Care pledge and cannot pay to advertise or to have their name listed.

Prior to developing the site, we fundraised in our community and generated enough donations to cover the webhosting costs for at least three years. Thank you to the generous support that enabled us to make Good Fat Care a reality!

-Lisa, Lori & Amy